the particularity of reinforced concrete, is to combine the characteristics of the concrete, compressive strength, with the characteristics of the steel, tensile strength thus making the new building material, reinforced concrete, an elastic material, like steel and wood. allowing to realize beams, ie structures resistant to flexing, which with only the concrete would not be possible. but with the cooperation of the reinforcing bars on it's inside, it becomes possible, this great miracle.
When I started going to construction sites, I saw the steelworkers, who cut, bent and tied these steel bars. Which later, would be embedded in the concrete, creating after hardening, the reinforced concrete element.
I felt immediately a desire to know the rules in order to calculate, shapes, diameters, spacing, of all that tangle of metal and concrete.
I said: "if the structural engineers can do this! Basically are men, even I can do."
Since then it has begun a study, constant and continuous, and also long, but with persistence and not give up, I provide the answers to all of my desire to know, in this field.
And I do not tell you the satisfaction, my personal, who lives in me. I made beautiful spreadsheets, transferring all the formulas, from my precious books. and now, they are in the memory of all my devices, and in a few minutes doing a short, load analysis and obtaining the stresses. I dimensions of the elements, and of all the reinforcement. Every human being has his own way to give himself satisfaction. my own is to reach the knowledge of what, from time to time, catch my attention and fascinating me.
And it is so great satisfaction when I think I've reached my goal, that sometimes in the depths of my thoughts, I talk, of what, in this case, the concrete, and its structural analysis. To a hypothetical, imaginary interlocutor, which we can talk about this skills exchanging point of view, and ideas.
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